Gerry McCulloch


8th March -15 May 2020

Pause is an exhibition of moving-image portraits that elicit face-to-face conversations without words between diverse participants engaging deeply but silently with each other. 

Imagine you and I are standing opposite each other. I may silently acknowledge that I am here and you are there, even although your here is my there and vice-versa. My here exists only in relation to you, and your here exists only in relation to me. There is no inherently existing here or there for either of us.

Nevertheless, both of our impressions are accurate in the context of our contrasting perspectives and it would be mistaken for either of us to suppose that our here does not exist at all. While there is little doubt that we each exist as discrete entities; in crucially important respects, I only exist because you exist and you only exist because I exist.
Gerry McCulloch is a cinematographer, photographer and visual artist. He is course leader of the MA in Cinematography at Goldsmiths and teaches internationally on the subject of pre-verbal narrative. Gerry is regularly to be found oscillating between involuntary bouts of inarticulate competence and articulate incompetence. His artworks adorn the bathroom doors of his most indulgent friends and admirers. Learn more…